Industry Overview
Project transportation stands out as a type of transportation in which the sector can be made with the most meticulous and expert solutions in terms of dimensions. This type of transportation, which started with flatbed vehicles in the past, has now been enriched with combined transportation alternatives and has become able to serve quite different sectors in terms of content thanks to various equipment.
In fact, as in every loading model, the main purpose and necessity of the loading is to determine the equipment that needs to be used and to transport it as quickly and undamaged as possible.
For this reason, it is important to present security conditions in this transportation model, which requires an expert team and an experienced background.
Competitive Advantages
Generally, heavy loads and construction machinery are needed for the realization of projects and heavy load transportation. Power plants, cranes, wind turbines and power plants, complete production facilities, construction equipment, power plants and pipelines, ship engines are some of the loads carried within the scope of project cargo.
-It provides cost advantage especially for heavy tonnage materials.
– Project-based pricing is not affected by constantly changing fuel costs.
– As of the scope of loading, it provides lower cost management by taking advantage of the opportunities offered by combined transportation.
– Thanks to the technological infrastructure provided, it allows you to minimize the risk by making the loading distribution correctly.
– Thanks to the service we offer for the necessary road permits and survey planning, you do not pay any additional fees.
How do we work?
You can think of it this way, we are trying to offer you the time it will take for a large ship to dock at the port, with alternatives at a speed that a small ship can dock. We have added the customs clearance service in order to achieve this speed in our service alternatives that we will offer for your regular shipments, instant spot requests or transportation tenders.
Why Us?
Transparency Policy
Creating transparency policy alternative price offers for your shipments for your products.
Instant tracking of shipments and comprehensive reporting of developments.
Cargo Security
Creating additional freight insurance based on customer demands and providing service without profit
Key Benifits
If you are going to have long-term shipments, making a contract for you will give you an advantage in terms of pricing and vehicle supply.
Our expert teams will make regular reports via e-mail with the reference number we will forward to you.
You can send the cancellation e-mail at the latest 2 days before the planned departure by informing the reference number we have given you to our relevant department.